Go Eco, Get Active, Be Social…

Roz Kelly

Hi, My name is Roz and I created this blog back in 2013 with the view to highlighting and sharing eco conscious business, sustainable products and nature related things to do across the island of Ireland. 

If you would like to find out more about joining our eco conscious community just get in touch.

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An Invitation To Join Our

Eco Conscious & Sustainable Business Community

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Eco Active Social Wall

Members’ News is shared across our Social Wall expanding your business reach to our eco conscious community 

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Members grow Brand Awareness through Gift Card sales on our Marketplace with orders delivered directly to your inbox

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Members are Showcased with a dedicated search engine optimized landing on our Community Page  

“Our mission is to support local 

business’ offering eco friendly services and sustainable products

Join The Eco Active Social Community


  • Managed Marketing across Socials
  • Inclusion on seasonal newsletters to our dedicated eco conscious community
  • Preferred Partner for Events and Group Bookings
  • Dedicated Landing Page with dynamic media
  • Continued relationship building online & offline to grow your Community

*Reasonable usage applies, Terms & Conditions Apply