6 day foraging bushcraft survival course 

Complete Coastal Hunter Gatherer – primitive and modern skills – 6 day foraging bushcraft survival course Scotland 2014

Experience the thrills and rewards of both our modern day foragers and coastal hunters, with walking in the footsteps of our primitive ancestors.

This course is set on the open and breath taking coast line of south west Scotland, taking advantage of the coast, estuary, lochs and remote uninhabited islands with caves and fresh water wells.
This unique coastal bushcraft survival course, will give you a chance to practically master the following skills and sea you thrive, rather than just survive:

  • Coastal fishing with and with out fishing rods, all techniques.
  • Gill net construction starting with fishing line and beach rubbish.
  • Longline construction from simple fishing kit and natural material resources.
  • Fish and shellfish traps (that work) made from beach rubbish and natural materials and resources.
  • Identification of seaweeds, how and when to harvest them along with cooking and drying.
  • Identification of fish and shellfish along with coastal wild life.
  • Identification of coastal plants.
  • Foraging for coastal and inland plants including fungi, how best to cook and preserve them.
  • Setting longlines, nets and traps, learning the where, when and how.
  • Cooking and preserving on an open fire with and with out modern utensils.
  • Salting, cold and hot smoking meat and seafood.
  • Coastal safety and navigation, understanding tides, winds and ocean currents.
  • First aid and medicine from wild resources.
  • Basic survival requirements for shelter, fire, water and food.

Location – South West Coast of Scotland – Next available course dates summer or Autumn 2014 (TBC) – £575.00 per person.
NOTE – This is a Sterling Price
Maximum group size 12.
Enquire now please for this unique and unbeatable course foraging and fishing in Scotland via coastalsurvival.com/bushcraft-courses

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