Seaweed Forage / Beach Walk
Seaweed Forage / Beach Walk with Marie Power, author of The Sea Garden – a guide to seaweed cookery & foraging.
We will forage for edible seaweeds, learning how to distinguish them from inedibles and talk about how to use sea vegetables in everyday cooking.
Bring a scissors and pick some to bring home for lunch!
Wear slip-proof , and ideally waterproof footwear as we’ll be scrambling over rocks/wading in pools. Old runners are good, Reef sandals, even some crocs.
When: Sunday 10th August 2014
Where: Rathmoylan Cove (between Dunmore East & Tramore)
Meeting at the cove.
Allow 25 mins travel time from Waterford City, 10 mins from Dunmore East, 15 mins from Tramore.
Limited parking at the cove, so if you can, think about car share / pool.
- Start Time – 11 am
- Finish Time 12.15
- Max group size = 20 people.
- Cost. €15 per person. Children under 12 free.