I can recommend this Yoga Teacher Training Course for those who may also just want to explore Yoga for Personal reasons! I am thoroughly enjoying it and look forward to giving Yoga Classes in the future to groups and friends. 😀 
ॐ Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 – 200 Hours “ The Art of Teaching Yoga” ॐ
Starting Date: February- 25th,26th, 2018. Bree, Wexford.
Here at Earthwise Yoga our yoga teacher training course provides all the necessary skills to enable you to share yoga with others, giving you a firm foundation in the ancient system of yoga whether your intention is to teach, deepen your own knowledge, or move towards advanced levels of yoga. This course is a basic introduction to the fundamentals of yoga practice.
Discover more or apply online at earthwiseyoga.ie/yoga-teacher-training/