West Waterford Food Festival Fun in Dungarvan!

Last year we had to cancel our trip to the annual West Waterford Foodie Fest in Dungarvan (aka Fungarvan) much to our disappointment, however, this year we are delighted to be able to make it down on Saturday 11th April to see what all the fuss is about!
The #wwfof15 is a feast of pleasures with local foraging events, farmers markets, foodie trails, craft beer tastings, LOADS of family fun events AND best of all it all takes place in one of Irelands’ true gems of a place – Dungarvan Co Waterford!
Find out more about it by visiting www.westwaterfordfestivaloffood.com and follow them on Twitter @WdFoodFestival checking out the hashtag #wwfof15  for the latest gossip!
Not on Twitter? Get on it- it’s fun , fast and reatime.. Meantime here’s their Facebook/WaterfordFoodFestival
Hashtags to use for 2015:#wwfof15

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