The Happy Pig Community Project based in Cork

 70% fundraising target reached so far! 15 days left!!

We want The Happy Pig to become a place where people can explore Wild food, forest gardening, gift economics, free education, home-brewing, music and language, philosophy, bee-keeping, herbalism, perennials, natural building, no-dig annual vegetable production, writing, coppicing, storytelling, bushcraft, off-grid living and much more.
We want to bring the world’s best teachers here, as well as the world’s foremost thinkers and speakers, so that everyone can get involved in the ecological, social, community and spiritual debates concerning us.
Based on a 3 acre Permaculture demonstration site, visitors can also discover how they can “close the loop” in everything they do, and help us explore how we can merge all of this into a newer, more holisitc, healthier culture.

Paul Kingsnorth, a UK scything teacher, has offered a 1 day scything course for beginners here at An Teach Saor in Co Galway as a reward for our Crowdfunding campaign – There are 8 places available, at £75 each, including tea, cake and lunch here at An Teach Saor. It will be this summer, probably June or July, but dates tbc, and will be organised to suit everybody.
Details about the course are below