Herein lies the problem...  Looking for an image to accompany this blog of ' nail biting stuff' led me only to find images of glossy nails, and high tech nail art!

As a gardener my nails are never quite like those of the ever expanding false nail brigade, many of whom I love dearly – but that’s not why I began this blog! 

Incidentally I was watching Courtney of Hips n Haws Wildcrafts ‘ Video where she dispenses GREAT ( and IMPORTANT) advice on Mushroom picking – and couldn’t help but notice that her nails were very like my own – or indeed how my good friend Linda who shared her video of Elderberry picking – who also has nails that are – well, natural! 

Again, this is not why I began this blog.. Linda loves elderberries

but you can see where it’s heading – naturally… Yes, It’s heading to consumerism. 

A friend of mine recently started her own business after years of working for others. She put it very well when she said: “I just want to be able to dance to my own tune and make a good living”

I don’t know if it’s the reference to dancing and music but I LOVE it – what’s better than music?! (Apart from food)

Is it just me? I find it SO disheartening when good friends (who I KNOW love Nature) turn around and tell me that they bought those new earrings or that new top from – SHEIN or TEMU! In fact, an online course I am doing highlights the incredible online marketing of Temu as a case study – which indeed it is but..

but but but.. 🙁 

"I just want to be able to dance to my own tune and make a good living". 


You can see them there (at the end of the reasons why we should not support any business like this) on the screengrab below – their feature on Temu marketing Strategy by Digital Marketing Institute. 


Temu not good for business

Anyway, I am getting lost in a tangent.. I just wanted to share an update – and the reason I called this a Nail biting blog… 

I am planning to launch a new business in November of this year that will support Green Eco Friendly Businesses and hopefully help many of the Sustainable Businesses I have met over the past decade in growing their business online. 

So do please check back for updates. 
In the meantime, shop wisely, spend thriftly and share abundantly. 

Namaste ♥