The #LoveMourne #EcoTour starts Monday.

Short but sweet, this is our first trip to this area and we are really looking forward to visiting The Mournes and exploring the area around Carlingford.


  • We are heading up on Monday and firstly gonna check out the Narnia trail at Rostrevor:

Then we’re gonna head out to meet Jennifer & check out the activities at East Coast Adventure  for the day – there is so much to do there it could fill hours!
Really looking forward to meeting Irene at Carlingford House for a great nights sleep and a bit of chat in the eve. Feeling peaceful already!

Tuesday is a bit open ended as we are hoping to fit in a visit to some mountain walks and also the tropical butterfly farm at Seaforde is a must for me – I love butterlies – have you seen my logo 🙂 We hope to meet up with Sally of Dunnanelly Country House there for a cuppa!

Finally, If weather permits we might see about fitting in a bit of a mountain walk and an overnight stay at The Mourne Lodge who run a perfect place to stay for hikers and walkers with an eco friendly ethos too. Check them out on – What a location!
Remember to keep  an eye on our Twitter as we will be using the hashtag #MourneEcoTour and #LoveMourne and will be tweeting about it throughout from both the @ecoactivetour account and the @whatsonwow account.
Thanks so much to Martin Carey and Mandy McAvoy of who inspired me to visit it in the first place and have been a great help in getting the word out. 
Incidentally have you signed the petition yet? 
love mourne petition
Till then… adious!