Mountain Skills Now Available

We are delighted to have mountain skills courses now available to book online.
I did one of these courses many moons ago and found them to be very interesting and good fun too! Ideal for those of you that go walking or hiking or even just look at stars and wonder what it’s all about!
Our Walking Guide is Christopher Stacey and here is what he has to say about these courses:
Our courses are broken down into modules to cover map reading, feature recognition, pacing and timing, taking and following a compass bearing, a short night navigation exercise, understanding mountain weather and its effects, how to organise and plan a safe walk, equipment and environmental issues.
90% of the course is practical and done on the mountain with only two short indoor sessions.
All our courses are run by approved instructors and under the syllabus of BOS or Bord Oiliuint, which is the Irish Mountain Training Board. BOS develops and administers training schemes.
There are two levels of mountain skills both of which are available between now and April 2014.
Both courses are 2 day courses and you are advised to ensure you have proper equipment with you.
Course Dates:
Mountain skills 1:

  • 11th January 2014 – Two day course
  • 01st February 2014 – Two day course
  • 22nd February 2014 – Two day course
  • 08th March 2014 – Two day course
  • 05th April  – Two day course

Mountain skills 2:

  • 07th December 2014 – Two day course
  • 25th January 2014  – Two day course
  • 15th February 2014  – Two day course
  • 22nd March 2014  – Two day course
  • 26th April 2014  – Two day course 

Cost : €120 Per weekend
Does not include: Food or Accommodation
EAI Map Ref: Glendalough Hotel (Meeting Point), Co Wicklow >>
Book now