#LoveMourne #EcoTour Coming Up

Having met Martin Carey of the Mournes Heritage Trust who introduced us to the Trails and Tales of The Mournes at the recent ResponsibleTourism Conference in Dublin I have been planning to organise an Ecotour to the area to see what all the #LoveMourne fuss is about! 
I am delighted to confirm that we can confirm Monday 31 August and Tuesday 01st September 2015 for a visit with potential leeway on either side of those dates.
So far we are hope to visit (dependant on time allowance & meetings)

If you have an Eco related business in the area and would like to be included  in the tour get in touch – generally we work on a quid pro quo experience whereby you’re business will get blogged, with photos and an audio interview and tweeted/facebooked/ google plus-ed/ shared on linkedin etc throughout the trip – Not bad eh?
Check out last years’ EcoTour here >>
Looking forward to our trip up North! This map taken from the excellent VisitMourneMoutains.co.uk website shows the area we intend to visit (open to expansion) in highlighted red.
Love mourne ecotour