Sloe Gin

Sloes are the bitter purple fruits of the Blackthorn Shrub which can be harvested in Autumn for making wine, preserves and our favourite, sloe gin.
Here is a recipe that we will be trying out shortly at EcoActive Ireland.
You will need:

  • 450g ripe sloes
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 1 litre bottle of gin
  • A sterilized jar
  • A sharp fork
  • A sieve or piece of muslin
  • A few clean bottles

Prick the tough skin of the sloes a few times with a  fork then place them in a sterilized jar.
Add the gin and sugar ensuring you seal the jar tightly then shake well – the jar that is not you 🙂
Store the jar in a cool dark place shaking every other day for a week, changing to shake once a week for two months after that.
After the two months strain the liquid into clean bottles using a sieve or piece of muslin.
Your sloe gin should now be dark red in colour and is ready to drink although as it will continue with age you may wish to keep it for Christmas.