How to Make Cider from Pears aka Perry

So we have two pear trees in our garden and this year we had a bountiful harvest – realistically we have about 30-40 lbs of pears picked. I picked them about 2 weeks ago so they are really starting to soften now.
I want to make Country Style Perry as per my previous Perry making post  however this is my first time to ever try such as thing so I am still learning.
The main difficulty is sourcing a fruitpress for hire. A friend of mine may have one so I am crossing fingers and toes that he can find it for me. If not I will have to do the pressing manually 🙁
The video below has helped give me a clear idea of the process and what equipment I may need:

  •  A big stake to smash the pears up with –
  • A tall bucket,
  • two jugs ,
  • A demijohn
  • And of course the fruitpress and a piece of muslin.

I will post again as soon as I have sourced a fruitpress and bought a demijohn!
Incidentally I saw this Sturdy Fruit press bag for under €20 from Irish brewing company but they appear to be sold out which is a real pity as I think this would suffice for my small needs.
If I don’t source a fruitpress by Tuesday I will buy from this UK store:
Hope this helps any of you budding cider makers out there and feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions if not here then on Twitter @Rozsarakelly