Press Release From Trócaire: A Global Strike for Climate Action has been called for Friday 20th September.

There’ll be millions marching across the world. 

You can join a strike taking place near you or you can organise your own action in your community. Together we’re going to make this the biggest mobilisation ever, because we know it works, and we know it’s urgent.

In March this year, 16,000 young people across Ireland and 1.6 million globally came out on a School Strike for climate action. The power of young people walking out of school was so strong, the Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar had to come out and say he supported them.

A massive increase in climate action and ambition is urgently needed globally and here in Ireland. 

The impacts of climate change are already visible here in Ireland, and as we know only too well, it is having devastating impacts on poverty and hunger in the countries where Trócaire works. Communities in the Horn of Africa have experienced extremely low levels of rainfall for two consecutive seasons. This is coming after a severe drought two years ago. Communities simply do not have enough time to recover from the losses incurred from one drought before the next drought hits.

We need to make September 20th the moment in history after which no politician can allow further harm to our climate – and to do that, we all need to come out and support the young people who are leading the way, fighting for their future.  Click here for info on the Dublin and Cork #ClimateStrikes.

If you can’t make it to the Dublin or Cork strikes, you can organise something in your community/town or workplace. Go out on the street or to a local landmark with your colleagues at lunch and take a picture in support of the strike or meet up at your school gate or work entrance….more ideas here. If you are organising something please register it on the Action Map here.  

Our friends in the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition will add your event to this Map, which shows where similar events are happening around Ireland, there are already 50+ planned! Let’s show our decision makers that people right across the Island are calling for action.

All the resources you could need are here.  Once you register your event, you will be linked up with a brilliant team of Climate Strike Volunteers who will give you any support you need, getting into the local press, writing a press release or recruiting a team of helpers as well as attendees! 

Check out  and to stay up to date.

Remember, join your local strike, or organise a local action and post it on the Action Map. See you on the streets on September 20th!