Forage Wild Food and Herbs on Your Own Land or Garden

Land Foraging Survey Service for Wild Edibles

I’ve been on a quite a few wild food foraging events with a variety of expert foragers both here and in the UK yet I still walk about my large garden and wonder what wild edibles are right under my feet! In fact a circle of mushrooms suddenly appeared a week ago and whilst I was 99% sure they were edible field mushrooms I just wasn’t that 100% that you need to be. 
I do know how to identify a fair few berries and wild salads but I know from my foraging experiences that there is SO MUCH MORE food right there on my doorstep if only I could be sure. So imagine my delight to discover that local forager and herbalist Vivienne Campbell offers a ‘land survey service’ where she will walk your land with you and show you how to identify edible and therapeutic wild foods and flowers growing in your space. 

Did you know that many wild and cultivated plants are edible and therapeutic? Wild plants such as meadowsweet and sorrel make tasty additions to the dinner table as do some cultivated plants such as lavender and roses. Plants are not ornaments! Learn to identify plants that are safe to use at home. Enrich your life, expand your palate, enjoy the process!
Do you have your own garden or land (field, wild space etc.)?
Would you love to be able to use the plants that are on your land but are afraid to because you don’t know which plants are poisonous and which are edible?
Would you love to know what’s growing on your land?
Have a farm? Want to know what is growing there that you can use to improve the health of your animals.  ~

It sounds like a service I want to try out so I will be booking her for a space in her May-September schedule next year! 
Discover more about Viviennes’ service and sign up for her online foraging courses at

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