The Blue GlassHouse, WestPort

Relaxed after yesterdays’ seaweed bath I headed off to the beautiful town of Westport Co Mayo to meet up with Linda Mulloy of The GlassHouse Studio.

Linda offers regular stained and fused glass workshops as well as glass jewelry making workhops from her idyllically located studio for beginners, and advanced.

Whilst my mum has once tried her hand – rather successfully I might add – at stained glass lampshade making I was surprised by the variety of options available.

Linda advises to leave any preconceptions behind and instead focus on a abstract idea of a sunset (for example) using reds, oranges, blues rather than trying to make an exact picture of a sunset, both because it is difficult to make definite shapes with glass but also, and more importantly, to let the creative juices flow.

Showing me some sample so her work and work carried out by attendees Linda also mentioned a project that she is currently working on, creating a bespoke glass door handle for a Brighton based cafe/salvage yard which will have a tiny delicate teapot encased within the handle!
Much to inspire and get creative with…

Check out Lindas’ Profile page here for more information and contact details here >>


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