Bushcraft For Groups

Bushcraft skills are available to book for groups over 10 people.
I recently went along to one such event with Aebhric and Andy in Co Wicklow.
As I was only partaking for only a few hours I missed out on some of the events but took note of what had taken place before my arrival.
The group had been taught how to light a fire without matches or lighter and would be in the middle of something when they were asked to quickly light a fire again – the idea was to ensure they could have a successful fire going within 3-5 minutes in case of very cold weather.
bedmakingWe also learnt a bit about foraging for salads and how to make a shelter to sleep in that would protect you from the elements using found branches and fronds.
I had to leave then but the guys were busy boiling water and preparing their dinner which they would cook over an open fire sleeping out under the stars that night with more to learn the next morning- I wish I could have stayed – maybe next time!
If you would like to book a bushcraft course for a group then get in touch at play[at]ecoactiveireland.com with the following details and we will get back to you with options and prices.

  • Your name
  • Contact Telephone
  • Number of people
  • Date/s preferred
  • Location preferred
  • Activity of interest
  • Any other details