Walking Tour with Adventure Burren

On Saturday I met with Christy and Jess of Adventure Burren in Co Clare.
burren walks with adventure burren
I was down that way visiting my brother as my niece was making her first communion on the Sunday, so myself and a few other family members decided to book a holiday cottage in nearby Doolin – Fanore was apparently full due to a 60th birthday!! Popular guy eh?
Anyway, On Saturday morning the weather was overcast but as that is not unusual for Clare I continued in my preparations. I pulled on my hiking boots, packed a light rucksack and off I drove.
dyrect-me-appI used the Dyrect Me App to find the meeting point which was at the Old Carron Church – A remarkable structure worth a visit in itself!
Waving at me from their car were Christy and Jess so I happily hopped into it with them and off we drove – up the road a little and then parked.
christy-adventure-burrenWe set off across a rather mucky track past a group of cows  ( my nemesis – I always get chased!!) who happily ignored us and so began my Burren adventure.
Both Christy and Jess are avid fans of the Burren having moved there permanently from Dublin after spending over 15 years visiting and walking in the area. It’s a big decision I know only too well, moving to a rural setting as a ‘blow-in’ but they are incredibly happy with their choice and I can see why!
buriel-sites-burrenChristy was able to tell me about the history of the area, leading us to a variety of heritage features including a fulacht fiadha, buriel sites from both the Bronze age and the Iron age and a number of forts.
We could all imagine the smells and noises that would exist were we to step back in time.
Indeed I mentioned how great it would be to recreate the activities that took place there and Christy told me of the Hotel Doolins’ upcoming plan to hold a Traditional Fulacht Fia 19th May 2014:
Be transported back in time around an authentically re-created and historically accurate Fulacht Fia (ancient field kitchen). This was an ancient cooking technique used by our ancestors which involved cooking large pieces of meat in a pit dug into the limestone beds. Read more here >.
wild-flowers-burrenThe walk itself took us through fields , woods and rocky landscapes but was definately an easy walk suitable for all levels of fitness.
Walking through the moist woodlands was lovely and we got all excited at the discovery of a wild flower that we thought was a rare orchid, which turned out to be:
Toothwort Lathraea squamaria Slánú fiacal Family: Scrophulariaceae
jess-adventure-burrenJess got a little more excited than me about some Lichens but that is due to my own ignorance as they are rather incredible.. 🙂
Lichens are amongst the most commonplace, yet bizarre, creatures you are likely to come across. Lichens are a uniquely successful partnership between two or three different organisms (a fungus in partnership with an alga and/or a cyanobacterium – blue/green alga). This partnership has allowed them to colonise habitats too hostile for almost any other organism. Ref: http://www.habitas.org.uk/lichenireland/
Afterwards I was invited back for a bit of (delicious homemade) lunch and a coffee at their home so off I went, mucky boots and all!

  • Easy Walk for all levels
  • Heritage Interest
  • Wild Flowers and Fauna
  • Lichen Fans Welcome!
  • Invigorating & Fun!
  • Supports Local Business

Contact Adventure Burren on www.adventureburren.com
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